Domain | Concept | Source Orthography |
Stem | IPA (regex) | Language | Source Gloss(es) (hover for source) |
Literal Gloss | Morph |
FLORA | fern | ełnen tselts'egha | ełnen tselts'egha | əɬnən tsʰəlts'əʁa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[fern sprouts (Dryopteris dilatata] [Athyrium filixfemina] [fiddlehead] [possibly others)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | fern | uh ts'egha | uh ts'egha | uχ ts'əʁa | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | flowers | ashana | ashana | aʃana | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[flower] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | flowers | k'echan lughuyk'ulyu | k'echan lughuyk'ulyu | k'ətʃʰan luʁujk'ulju | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[flowers and seeds on grass] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | flying seeds | dituxi | dituxi | titʰuxi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[fluff of fireweed or cottongrass] [flying seeds] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | fruit | giga ka'a | giga ka'a | kika kʰaʔa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[apple] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | fruit | giga cheh | giga cheh | kika tʃʰəχ | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | geranium | jałjada | jałjada | tʃaɬtʃata | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[cranesbill (Geranium erianthum)] [wild geranium] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | grass | k'echan | k'echan | k'ətʃʰan | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[grass (Gramineae)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | grass | ken dazk'et'i | ken dazk'et'i | kʰən tazk'ət'i | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[type of grass] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | horsetail, snake grass | jija yelqedi | jija yelqedi | tʃitʃa jəlqʰəti | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[jointed grass] [horsetail (Equisetum spp.)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | horsetail, snake grass | ndalvay delqadi | ndalvay delqadi | ntalvaj təlqʰati | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | Hudson's Bay tea, labrador tea, swamp tea | k'eluq'ey | k'eluq'ey | k'əluq'əj | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[small Hudson's Bay tea (Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen | ełnen jegha | ełnen jegha | əɬnən tʃəʁa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[large mountain lichen (Peltigera aphthosa)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen | k'udyi dendałnazi | k'udyi dendałnazi | k'utji təntaɬnazi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[large green lichen] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen, rock | qałnigi endenghasdetlaq'i | qałnigi endenghasdetlaq'i | qʰaɬniki əntənʁastətɬʰaq'i | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[rock lichens] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen, tree | ch'vala andaz'i | ch'vala andaz'i | tʃ'vala antazʔi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
['spruce hair' (Alectoria spp.] [Usnea spp.)] [spruce lichens] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen, tree | ch'vala endenghasdetlaq'i | ch'vala endenghasdetlaq'i | tʃ'vala əntənʁastətɬʰaq'i | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[Lobaria pulmonaria)] [spruce lichens (Peltigera aphthosa] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen, tree | ch'vala iłgida | ch'vala iłgida | tʃ'vala iɬkita | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | lichen, tree | dehtsighu | dehtsighu | təχtsʰiʁu | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | lichen, tree | eseni endenghasdetlaq'i | eseni endenghasdetlaq'i | əsəni əntənʁastətɬʰaq'i | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[cottonwood lichens] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen, tree | eseni iłgida | eseni iłgida | əsəni iɬkita | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | lichen, tree | q'eytsayi endenghasdetlaq'i | q'eytsayi endenghasdetlaq'i | q'əjtsʰaji əntənʁastətɬʰaq'i | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[birch lichens] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | lichen, tree | q'eytsayi iłgida | q'eytsayi iłgida | q'əjtsʰaji iɬkita | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | melon | vinłni giga | vinłni giga | vinɬni kika | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[watermelon] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | moss, club | dlin'a kajada | dlin'a kajada | tɬinʔa kʰatʃata | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[spike moss (Selaginella spp.)] [club moss (Lycopodium sp.)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | moss, red | nan dasdel | nan dasdel | nan tastəl | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[red moss (red sphagnum)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | moss, water | nan shnetl' | nan shnetl' | nan ʃnətɬ' | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[swamp moss] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | moss, water | tatl'ah denedza | tatl'ah denedza | tʰatɬ'aχ tənətsa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[underwater moss] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | moss, water | tułtsadi | tułtsadi | tʰuɬtsʰati | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[green water moss (Dicranum scoparium and others)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | moss, white | nan ggeya | nan ggeya | nan qəja | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[white moss (white sphagnum)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | mountain ash | shishgguna | shishgguna | ʃiʃquna | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[mountain ash (Sorbus spp.)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | mountain ash | vinik lahi | vinik lahi | vinikʰ laχi | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | mushroom | ełnen iłgida | ełnen iłgida | əɬnən iɬkita | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[mushroom] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | mushroom | qanjeghdelyayi | qanjeghdelyayi | qʰantʃəʁtəljaji | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[unidentified mushrooms] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | mushroom, puffball | chulyin deltetl'i | chulyin deltetl'i | tʃʰuljin təltʰətɬ'i | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | needles (tree) | eludegga | eludegga | əlutəqa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[spruce needles] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | nettle | ch'qełch'ixa | ch'qełch'ixa | tʃ'qʰəɬtʃ'ixa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[nettle (Urtica spp.)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | pitch | degh nudenghalghuzhi | degh nudenghalghuzhi | təʁ nutənʁalʁuʒi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[clear spruce pitch] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | pitch | ken gha | ken gha | kʰən ʁa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[smooth interior pitch] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | punk, hard bracket fungi | k'atnitsayi | k'atnitsayi | k'atʰnitsʰaji | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[tinder fungus (Polypore)] [black birch burl] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | punk, hard bracket fungi | k'evajegha | k'evajegha | k'əvatʃəʁa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[soft white birch punk (Polyporus betulinum)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | punk, hard bracket fungi | k'evajeghetl'a | k'evajeghetl'a | k'əvatʃəʁətɬ'a | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[hard white birch punk (Fomes applanatum)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | punk, hard bracket fungi | łch'ix | łch'ix | ɬtʃ'ix | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | pussy willow | q'ughulik'a | q'ughulik'a | q'uʁulik'a | Dena'ina (Inland) |
['pussy willows'] [willow catkins] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | raspberry | nqutl' kegh | nqutl' kegh | nqʰutɬ' kʰəʁ | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[raspberry (Rubus idaeus)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | roots | ch'etl' tl'ila | ch'etl' tl'ila | tʃ'ətɬ' tɬ'ila | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[willow roots] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | roots | hunqelashi | hunqelashi | χunqʰəlaʃi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[spruce roots] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | rose hip | nkix ashana | nkix ashana | nkʰix aʃana | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[rose petals] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | salmonberry, cloudberry | nqutl' | nqutl' | nqʰutɬ' | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[lowbush salmonberry] [cloudberry (Robus chamaemorus)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | sapling | ch'dełch'isha | ch'dełch'isha | tʃ'təɬtʃ'iʃa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[young willow sprouts] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | sedge | tl'egh denets | tl'egh denets | tɬ'əʁ tənətsʰ | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[sedge with sharp edge] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | sedge | tl'egh gguya | tl'egh gguya | tɬ'əʁ quja | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[or others] [small sedge (Carex)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | sedge | tl'egh yis | tl'egh yis | tɬ'əʁ jis | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[unidentified water sedge] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | spruce | ch'vach'etl'a | ch'vach'etl'a | tʃ'vatʃ'ətɬ'a | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[jack spruce (Picea spp.)] [black spruce] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | spruce | ch'vala | ch'vala | tʃ'vala | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[white spruce (Picea spp.)] [spruce] [tree (generic)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | spruce | nunulyałi | nunulyałi | nunuljaɬi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[medium-sized spruce with smooth bark] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | tamarack, larch | luziya | luziya | luzija | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | tree top | tsilughun | tsilughun | tsʰiluʁun | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[plant top] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | tussock | nanyats'a | nanyats'a | nanjats'a | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[clump of grass] [Eriophorum vaginatum)] [hummock] [tussock (Cyperaceae] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | tussock | nukenyasa | nukenyasa | nukʰənjasa | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | twig | k'eluts'iya | k'eluts'iya | k'əluts'ija | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[dry spruce twigs] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | water lily | ndghełkena | ndghełkena | ntʁəɬkʰəna | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[yellow pond lily root] [poison water hemlock root (Cicuta mackenzieana)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | water lily | qalt'ats'a | qalt'ats'a | qʰalt'ats'a | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | water plant | tatl'ah denłyahi | tatl'ah denłyahi | tʰatɬ'aχ tənɬjaχi | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | wheat | chinisha | chinisha | tʃʰiniʃa | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[wheat] [wholewheat flour] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | wild celery, cow parsnip | k'enaqa ggits'a | k'enaqa ggits'a | k'ənaqʰa qits'a | Dena'ina (Inland) | N/A | N/A | |
FLORA | wild onion, chive | hdenłghik'i | hdenłghik'i | χtənɬʁik'i | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[wild chive (Allium schoenoprasum)] [wild onion] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | wild rhubard | kashi | kashi | kʰaʃi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[sour dock] [arctic dock] [wild rhubarb (Remex arcticus and other similar spp.)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | wild rice | qinazdli | qinazdli | qʰinaztɬi | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[chocolate lily (Fritillaria kamschatsensis)] [wild rice] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | wild sweet pea | ggagga k'tl'ila | ggagga k'tl'ila | qaqa k'tɬ'ila | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[wild sweet pea (Hedysarum mackenzii)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | willow | ch'dat'an lu | ch'dat'an lu | tʃ'tat'an lu | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[diamond willow] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | willow | ch'etl' | ch'etl' | tʃ'ətɬ' | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[willow (Salix spp.)] |
N/A | N/A |
FLORA | willow | neq ch'eq'a | neq ch'eq'a | nəqʰ tʃ'əq'a | Dena'ina (Inland) |
[possibly other)] [long-beaked willow (Salix bebbiana] |
N/A | N/A |